Humble Beginnings
Ce faci? That is a very informal way of saying “How are you?” in Romanian, and surprisingly enough, the very beginning of Datasign Marketing. Ok, that could be a stretch, but the co-founders of Datasign met almost two decades ago on a language learning forum.
After many days and nights of conversing to practice speaking, they became good friends. Alex saw the creative talents in Sam before she really realized them herself, introducing her to web design back in the days of Flash. Sam then started a graphic design and photography side-hustle, while Alex worked predominantly in IT and database operations.
“We’ve always had an interest in marketing, but on very different sides of the marketing spectrum.”
They’d talked for years about starting their own agency that combined their talents, but were never quite ready to leap away from steady employment.
Cue March of 2020.

This perfect storm of events pushed Sam headfirst into the world of freelancing, taking family and friends’ businesses into the digital world during the pandemic. She utilized her two best qualities, resilience and eagerness to learn, to drive results. When learning a new skill she offered to implement a strategy or method with non-profit organizations to gain experience with that skill, and boost the marketing for good causes in tandem.
The Addition of Data
When the freelance tasks started shifting from branding and design into data influenced marketing, Alex set up dashboards and data frames. It became clear that Sam was no longer freelancing and the two officially partnered up to form Datasign Marketing.
Datasign Marketing went from an idea to a reality, and we’re both really excited about it. We’re both passionate about marketing, and we each totally geek out when we meet a new client who is equally as excited about their business. We love it when our services make your business better, because it in turn makes us better. That’s what we strive to do. Be Better. Every day.